Yerenia and Jarek’s Testimony
What a mighty healer we serve. My son Iyin mentioned that his arm was hurting last week during Thursday evening service. When we got home, he said he couldn’t lift it. I looked at his arm from the neck to the elbow and it was tight and swollen. He had no feeling in his wrist. We iced it and tried a pain pill overnight. The next day, the same thing happened. I went to urgent care, but nothing was broken. He was instructed to use healing scriptures to get the word in his spirit. On Sunday, we went to the ER to see what it could be. He had an MRI and labs done, but still nothing was found. On the way home, I told him “This will need your faith and a miracle from God to heal you. The doctors couldn’t figure it out”. He has been meditating on scriptures and making faith movements with his arm speaking to it. Now, it has full function and all is well. Doctors practice medicine to try or temporarily fix you, but our mighty God did a supernatural miracle for him. Complete and whole!
- Priscilla Thomas, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
It's been on my heart to share something for a while, and on Thursday, your words solidified my need to express it. There are no adequate words to thank you and Pastor Mitch enough because, without your dedication and teaching, I wouldn't be living the life I currently do. I know there is more to come because there is more for me to learn and receive revelation about. I haven't "arrived"; I'm on a lifelong journey led by God, and I recognize who my shepherds are. This sheep wants to share just a bit of that journey so far:
As I sat in service on Thursday night, and you mentioned the time in my life when I left my job at the hospital and stepped out in faith, the Lord reminded me of just how far that journey has come. That was when I truly learned to live by faith. There was no regular income for roughly 18 months between leaving that old job and being hired as a full-time teacher. However, as you said, God always took care of me. My bills were paid, I didn’t starve, and I always brought something to sow. Many times it wasn’t much, but it was what I had at that time. However, one offering became a turning point when I truly let go and said, “Okay God, I’m really going to trust you.” That offering was $3.54; it was literally all I had (and I prayed that I had done my math correctly so it wouldn’t bounce. It didn’t.) From that point on, things began to happen. Did they turn around overnight? No, that’s not how it works. I kept walking by faith, stayed faithful to my pastors, my church, and my giving, which have all led me to where I am today.
It's been shared many times that when I first went to buy a house, I was laughed at. But I kept looking, and God made a way. There was a time in the first few years of my teaching career when schools faced budget cuts, and teachers were being laid off, including at my school. The way it works is it was supposed to go by seniority. Well, I was only a few years in; I should have been laid off, but my principal at the time created a position where I was the only person on campus who held the correct credential, and I kept my job while teachers with seniority over me were let go. I know that things like this wouldn’t have happened had I not given that $3.54.
We’ve been taught that when you put God first, He will see to it that you get the desires of your heart, and I’ve seen that happen over and over. If you know me, you know that I like attending certain professional sporting events and going to Disney. Some people may want a new Louis Vuitton, but I want a trip to Disney. While everyone knows I go to Disneyland several times a year, next month I’ll fulfill the lifelong desire to go to Disney World in Florida. This is a fully funded, paid-off trip that even includes nearly all of my meals. I don’t share this to boast about myself because it’s not me; it’s God being true to His Word. I share this so people know that what I am living now started with $3.54 and a commitment to stay faithful to my pastors, my church, and my sowing. This sheep knows where her wealthy place is and who her Shepherd is, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. So thank you, Pastors Mitch and Jan, for your faithfulness because, without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
- Karen Norris, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
God is so good! I had two big blood clots in my liver and spleen. For about two years, I had been taking blood thinners to help this, but I had been praying and declaring that God is Faithful! I had been going to the cancer clinic and seeing my blood doctor there. During one of my appointments, I noticed him looking intently at my results on his computer.
I asked him, "What's going on?"
He replied, "I can't find any blood clots."
I said, "What do you mean you can't find the blood clots?" and I began to Praise God.
He then replied, "Well, that depends."
I asked, "Depends on what?"
He asked, "Which God?"
I said, "Yeshua. Your God and My God, Jesus Christ."
He just looked at me like I was nuts and scheduled me to have an ultrasound in 3 months. He wasn't quite believing what He was seeing, but I did. I knew I was healed. In 3 months, I went to get the ultrasound, and he didn't find any blood clots then either! Hallelujah! God blesses me every day, and He is good all the time!
- Sister Sam , Member of Fresno Faith Fellowship
In mid-April, I talked with Pastor Mitch about my financial situation. I have a part-time job without a set schedule or hours. In February, I was offered a great job. It was a job that didn't have to work nights, weekends, or holidays. It also offered great benefits. However, due to training schedule issues, I have not been given a starting date. Pastor Mitch prayed the prayer of agreement with me for my new job. The Lord is so good! On May 9th, my current employer offered me an opportunity to cover a coworker's schedule for 3 months. I have been also blessed with full-time status with a set schedule and hours. Praise the Lord! I'm so thankful for what the Lord is doing. He is my shepherd, I shall not want. I'm looking forward to sharing with you all when I start my new job.
- Pamela Whetworth, Member of Fresno Faith Fellowship
God is never late. I had bone spurs on my spine which was causing sleepless nights. I also wasn’t able to sit long, and I had a numbing of my legs. I had so many things that were going on in my body, at one of our meetings with Pastor Ike Akabogu which was on June 23, 2023. Pastor Ike prayed for my knees, and as he was finishing he said “Healing from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and your back too, your back too. Yes! In Jesus' name. I hadn’t told anyone about the bone spurs in my back. There were times when I would want to go up for prayer regarding the spurs, but I kept standing on what Pastor Ike said. I have to be honest, it was taking a toll on my body and as I was praying, I told God I needed help. I knew I was healed, but I also allowed the enemy's smoke screens to get between my manifestation. On Sunday, April 14th, Pastor Jan asked if anyone needed prayer for healing. I was standing there and telling God I know I’m healed Lord, I just need your fresh touch. When Pastor Jan laid hands on me, there was a powerful anointing that ran through my body to my back. Pastor Jan said that there were angels behind me. I remember going to the floor and when I got up, I didn’t feel the spurs. That night I slept for 6 1/2 hours straight, and I have been sleeping on my back. Praise God. Facts may be presented to us, whether it be symptoms in our body, a doctor's diagnosis, or an X-ray, but I know for sure that God’s word is truth and it trumps the facts. The fact is I walked into Sunday service with bone spurs on my spine and walked out healed. Amen! Hallelujah!
- Esther Orellana, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I just wanted to share a testimony. Since the beginning of January, I have had to go to the hospital because of low electrolyte deficiencies and malabsorption issues. On Wednesday night, when Pastor Mitch laid hands on me and commanded things that were missing to be made whole in my body, I instantly received it! A few weeks ago, we figured out what was causing my electrolyte levels to drop every month. The culprit was my monthly cycles. Every month since January, a total of 4 times I was needing go into the hospital to be replenished via IV fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins after having my monthly cycle. This month, I had my monthly cycle, and my levels did not drop, nor did I need to be replenished or need an IV to get me back up to health. Praise God! Hallelujah!!
- Bianca Perez, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I woke up Friday night with a lot of pain in my right ear. My mom prayed for me and told me I was healed and that healing belonged to me. We worshiped for a little bit before I could fall back asleep. When I woke up in the morning, there was no more Pain!
- Ethan Galindo, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I praise God for being a part of a Full Gospel Church that believes in and teaches on healing. I recently slipped and fell onto the cement floor. The next day I was in so much pain on my bottom and my back, but I still got up and went to church.
After service, I asked my Pastor, Pastor Mitch, if he would pray for me. After he laid his hands on me, I felt the difference instantly.
I was able to stand straight and walk without any pain and I had no bruising on my body. When we come expecting, we receive what we believe. Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you, Pastor!
- Esther Orellana, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I went to the Doctor because it was hard for me to eat. I would try to eat a little, but I would get full and be miserable. I was rapidly losing weight that I didn’t want to. I had a test done with dye and an x-ray. It showed acid in my stomach, and I felt lots of heartburn in my chest. I asked pastor Mitch to pray for me.
I meditated and kept before my eyes Ps139:13-14, Ps118:17, and 1st Peter 2:24. I was sent to see a specialist, and that Doctor put me on medication. Two weeks later they did an endoscopy that came back normal. PRAISE GOD! Ps 89:34 He is faithful! The doctor said to decrease the medication and you will not need it anymore in a month. Thank the Lord. Also thank you, Pastor Mitch, for standing with me in prayer. To God be all the glory!!
- Rita Oliver, Member of Fresno Faith Fellowship
On Thursday I realized I didn’t have my driver’s license on me. The last time I used it was about 3 weeks ago. I looked everywhere for it. At church, I’ve heard testimonies of lost items recovered by dispatching our angels or asking the Holy Spirit for help. In asking the Holy Spirit I heard through my spirit “laundry room.” I also sent my angel to look for the license. On Thursday evening, I looked through my desk (which is in the laundry room). I went out of town for a couple of days. On Monday morning, I put a few towels and small items in the washer (I shake clothes and look through pockets). I then placed my clothes in the dryer when the cycle ended. I left the room, returned, and noticed something stuck on the glass door of the dryer while the towels in the background were spinning. When I opened the door, there was my license. The picture part was facing the inside of the dryer. Thank you, God!!
- Cristina Martinez, Member of Firebaguh Faith Fellowship
I wanted to thank my pastors for the powerful message that was preached yesterday morning. Also after being healed yesterday of hip pain, I continue to confess healing over myself and my hip is getting stronger and the pain is subsiding. God is so good!!!
- Leslie Bennett, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
It has been 4 years since sickness tried to hit our son's body. We praise God for our continual testimony. Here is a little back story of what God has done!
I wanted to take the time to give Glory to God so everyone can see and hear what the Lord has done for my family and "little Jacob".
Four years ago, on our way home from down south, our son became very ill. We took him to the ER with no answers. He became worse so the next day we went to his pediatrician. There, they did several labs, but had no answers, so they sent us home awaiting results and said to call if it got worse. That night, we went to church and he could hardly walk. When we got him hom, his legs, hands, and spine were retaining fluid and were so large and full of spots. We immediately called our pastors and got into agreement for his healing and then we took him once again to the ER where he was then admitted into the hospital with what is called Henoch-Schönlein purpura. This is where our blood vessels attack and start bleeding, so his body parts affected were swelling 3 times in size. At this time, he was unable to walk and was in a lot of pain. We stayed on the word of God, knowing the end result would be glory to God and complete healing.
After his hospital stay, the swelling and blood vessels would start to go down, but then he continued to have flare-ups for weeks. As the swelling went down, we got the news that his kidneys started worsening. His proteins were very high, in the thousands. At this time, we were referred to a nephrologist at Children’s Hospital. They put him on Imuran (which is a harsh medication for anti-rejection) also steroids and a list of other medicines. We went back for weeks with little change and at this point, the doctor wanted to do a biopsy. Knowing our hesitation, he postponed it and left it up to me. I told him let’s wait a few more weeks and this time we were both on board to see what happened in the weeks to come. Every time we would go back, his protein levels slowly decreased in numbers and we praised God even in the small! So, I was able to say, "One more week. Let’s see what happens." I really did not want the biopsy done. After weeks of appointments and labs, prayer, and praise; we went back and I stopped all his medications after tapering him off steroids 6 weeks prior, which the doctor said we should have not done (miscommunication on his part) or else the levels would not get better by himself but will worsen (meaning his other medication). But we serve a mighty God and his word works every time. Well, we went home and still stood on the word. The nurse called us back and told us his proteins were completely back to normal! I am thankful for the teaching, instruction, and prayers from my pastors who do not compromise the word of God. And to my church family for keeping your faith with ours. Staying faithful to your local church and being a tither and giver opens up the floodgates of heaven and keeps you protected. I encourage you today to keep the faith no matter what you're facing and get connected to a local body (church and pastors) that teaches you not to compromise and have a life of faith. It is your protection! Stay encouraged! God is a good God.
- Alisha Gonzalez, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I lost my job a couple weeks ago, and I was feeling sad and defeated, but I continued to trust in God. Today, I was hired at a new place of employment. I am now making $3.00 more than what I made at my former job and $1.00 more than what I asked for!!!
- Martrise Fredrick, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I had been having an ongoing health problem for about a year. I went to the doctor for a check-up, and he ordered some labs to pinpoint its cause. Before I got the results, I decided that I already knew, no matter what it looked like in the natural, that it would be a good report because the Word of God is my true report and my final authority. That Sunday, I asked Dr. Jan to be in agreement with me and she prayed with me, commanding everything to function correctly. A few days later, I got the results that showed what might have been the cause. I let her know and she instructed me that now I know the name so I need to speak to that name in authority. That name is a lower name and every name is subject to and must obey the name of Jesus. I have already seen a difference and I know I’m healed and will never have that issue again. I thank God for a local church with pastors that teach true faith in God and His Word.
- Justina Martinez, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
Since Baby Adeline was a newborn, doctors said that she had a clogged duct in her eye. We were instructed to massage it a little and that would clear it up. Some said that clogged ducts usually clear up within 6 months. She is 7 and a half months old now, and her eye seemed to have gotten worse in the past week. When we got to school on Friday morning, her eye was completely closed and even looked a little swollen. We got it cleaned up and I called her doctor’s office and took her in. He said it was an obstructed tear duct and prescribed an ointment and said that if it was still like that during her 9-month appointment, he would have to send her to an eye doctor to clear it out. When we get back to the church, Pastor laid hands on her and by that evening, her eye began to clear up. It was so much better by the end of that same day and continues to look great!
- Suzie Keys, member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
Friday afternoon I had lower back pain radiating into my bottom and legs. Saturday morning I had trouble getting up, walking, and doing chores around the house. Meanwhile, I was listening to the broadcast and worshipping. Sunday morning, I still couldn’t stand or walk without limping, but I knew that when I got to church, I would have my Pastor agree and lay hands on me. When he prayed for me, I instantly felt the anointing go in me. I immediately put action to that and danced. I kept my faith on it and by the end of the day I could walk and sit with out discomfort.
- Alisha Gonzalez, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
“Let me start by saying thank you to Pastors Mitch and Jan Keys for teaching us the Word strongly and exactly how it is; Not sugarcoating it or babying us, but showing us who we are in Christ and how we need to build ourselves up and be strong in faith for when tests and trials come. This hospital visit has been one very hard test and trial of my faith and most importantly my trust in God, and I know that without my Pastor's teaching, I wouldn’t be where I am today let alone alive. On Wednesday when the second episode happened in the natural, it looked like I had had a stroke. My vision was blurry, my face was numb, I was slurring my words, and the right side of my face was paralyzed. I remember looking at my mom and even though I couldn't speak clearly. I just mumbled as best as I could 'No!!! You stupid devil, I don’t receive this. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear!' In the ambulance ride, the EMT lady held my hand and said, 'Look at me mama, you're not going anywhere you got it! You will not die on me. You stay here with me. I got you, but most importantly God's got you!' She held my hand and kept telling me over and over, 'Don’t you give up. You are strong, very strong. You have babies that need you and are waiting for you at home.' Although she didn’t speak the Word or pray over me, I know she was still being used by God. She spoke life. Without knowing it, she spoke into existence that I would be going home to my babies. Even though she may not know the Word, I still joined my faith with her faith and everyone else who was praying for me and I know that’s why I didn’t go into cardiac arrest in the ambulance! Hallelujah! Yesterday all was going well until another episode happened again, but this time Richie was with me. He had just walked into the room for not even 2 minutes when I looked at him and told him to pray. He started praying, but I knew I needed more. I mumbled, 'Call Pastor, tell him to please come to pray.' I honestly don’t remember much after besides the nurses and doctor running in and out of the rooming trying to help me. When Pastor arrived, I was still a bit out of it, but as soon as he laid his hands on me, I linked up my faith with his faith and I received my healing! I felt it when I received my healing. My hands and feet had been cold and numb since that first episode on Monday and after the second one on Wednesday, it was worse, but after Pastor came and prayed I started to feel warmth in my hands and they started tingling and I could feel the sensation back little by little! This morning I woke up and the numbness and tingling in my left hand and both feet are gone! I can move them and feel them and I also took my first steps with a walker since being bedridden since Wednesday. Praise God! In the natural, my right hand/arm is still a bit tingly/numb, but I'm not moved because I know it’s not over yet. God said total restoration and I received it when Pastor spoke it over me! I have to share a room with another patient who is saved, praise God. As I was listening to the word last night she was very combative and yelling and I was about to complain about having to share with her when the Holy Spirit said instead of complaining, pray for her. Show her the love of Christ. So I did. I kept speaking peace and life over her and declaring that she had the mind of Christ. It wasn’t until today that I realized she tried to commit suicide, so I know it’s not by accident I’m sharing a room with her. But I’m praying that I'll get to minister to her if the Holy Spirit leads me to, but for now, all he has said was to show the love of God and walk in love, so that’s what I’ve been doing. Thank you Pastors for praying with me and standing with me and my family in faith. I’m determined and I know because God said I will make a FULL recovery because God doesn’t do second best!
The endocrinologist cleared me and said that all the blood tests he ordered came out perfect so he had no concerns. Physical therapy/occupational therapy said they would allow me to do 2 weeks of therapy at home with a therapist rather than 2 weeks at a rehab center. The Cardiologist has also cleared me because I no longer was having irregular cardiac rhythms. The neurologist was the one not wanting to discharge me because 4 blood tests are still pending and I’m scheduled for one more test on Wednesday. All 4 teams spoke together and said they would agree to discharge me as long as I would return if needed pending the blood tests and the neurology tests ordered. Right before Richie was about to leave last night my doctor came in and said I was cleared to go home! Praise the Lord!”
- Bianca Perez, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
A couple of weeks ago I was doing our monthly bills and Enzo came and saw the cash, he asked 'Can I have one of the $100?' Obviously, I said no and he walked away in disappointment. Since that day, he’d constantly ask for $100 until finally, I asked him 'What do you want $100 for? I’m not buying you a new toy. We just had Christmas.' He said, 'It’s not for a toy. It’s for Pastor and our church.' I froze for a second because I wasn’t expecting that from him, and I wasn’t going to say no! So I told him, 'How about we make that your faith project. Start using your faith for it to come in. Put your hands to work; draw a $100 bill and hang it on your desk.' So, he got an empty animal cracker jar and put a '$100 for church' label on it, collected all the change he could find, saved some of the money he’d be blessed with, collected some cans, and today we made doggie treats that he sold to our friends and neighbors. After his tithe, he has over and above what he was believing for! About $150! He was SO excited to take it to church and sow his first big seed! Child-like faith!
- Enzo and Yerenia Briones, Members of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I would like to give God Glory! For the past 3 months, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep due to pain in my feet. I would wake up every 2-3 hours with soreness and sharp excruciating pain. It was sometimes to the point that it would make me get up out of bed. Many times, I would just walk around the house at night and go sleep on the couch in a slanted position and many times during the day, I would also experience sudden sharp pains just sitting down. In January, when my Pastor’s started teaching us about our love walk referencing 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, I realized I need to work on my love walk towards God and people. So, I decided that every time I would wake up in pain between 3-5 A.M., I would utilize that time worshiping, praying, and speaking the Word. I thank God for my Pastors giving me The Word! One of the scriptures I would meditate on was Isaiah 53:5, stating Jesus paid for my healing!! Now, I am not one to panic and go google symptoms, but I sensed a prompting from the Holy Spirit to google it. After searching online, I came across some information about a Vitamin B deficiency. I immediately ordered some Vitamin B pills and started taking them daily. I thank God for the leading of the Holy Spirit because after applying the Word and taking my Vitamin B pills consistently, on Feb 14th I was finally able to experience a full night’s rest after months of having what I call choppy sleep. Glory to God!!! I sleep better every night now!! Thank you, Jesus!!
- Jacob Gonzalez, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
I want to give glory to God for always rewarding those who are faithful. A few weeks ago I had the thought about getting a new car. A new car wasn't a necessity, it was a desire. (And we know God will give those who delight themselves in Him the desires of your heart Ps. 37:4) We have been hearing how there are times God challenges you to go up and believe for more so He can bless and give you more. If we never take steps to stretch our faith, we are the ones limiting what God can do for us. So, I decided that it was time to stretch and I contacted a few dealers with a wish list for a car and where I felt I was willing to go on cost. I went back and forth with a dealer who found a new car that had everything on my wish list; the only thing was it was just slightly over where I originally said I wanted the cost. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of what started this process: stretch and let God bless me, our Pastors have taught us well, it's not about the money it's about the faith and let's be honest turning down the deal would be like telling God that He can't provide that little bit more. So I made the deal. Now, it didn't take but less than 24 hours for God to provide! The day before I was scheduled to pick up the car, when I got to work there was an envelope in my box, that confirmed I'll be getting a raise starting in December with retro pay, that raise and retro pay will take care of all of that 'over' what I originally was comfortable with. GOD challenged me to say yes and stretch and once I did, HE showed me He had it covered the whole time!! All for HIS Glory! Thank you Pastors for always pushing us to trust God and when you put HIM first in all things He will see to it that, not only are your needs met, but your desires are met too. I desired it and God provided it!
- Karen Norris, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
“I am thankful for my pastors who teach us that it is God’s will for us to be healed. One evening I called my Pastor, Dr. Mitch, and explained to him what the doctor told me. The hematologist told me that my iron and B-12 levels were as low as someone’s from a Third World country. That might be a fact, but it’s not the truth. Pastor Mitch led me in prayer that evening by phone. The doctor has ordered lab work since then and every time my blood levels have gone up. The last lab showed that all my blood levels are normal and according to the doctor very good. Thank you Jesus for my healing!”
- Cristina Martinez, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
“A year ago, it seemed as if everything was crashing in around us and it felt like we were drowning, but we stayed faithful, we stayed committed, and stayed connected to God and the plan He had for us. In December 2021, we so desperately wanted to grow our family once again. We were told countless times by doctors and genetic counselors that if we were to try to grow our family again, we had a high chance of losing that baby too. They said that we should give up on wanting to grow our family. My husband and I knew that God would give us the desires of our hearts. Despite countless doctors not wanting to care for me during my pregnancy, we found a Christian doctor who said that he would do everything possible to get us a baby here on earth. In January 2022, we found out that I was pregnant again and we decided to keep this baby a secret for a little while. We knew this baby was our faith project and we didn’t want or need anyone speaking negatively or being in fear so we kept it to ourselves for almost 7 months. Throughout my pregnancy, time after time, it seemed like we were going to lose this baby too, but we stayed focused on God, on His word, and spoke life over our baby. By the time I was 7 months pregnant, we felt ready to announce our newest little addition to our friends and family. On Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 at 12:34 pm, our beautiful miracle baby girl, Olivia Alexandria Perez, who multiple doctors said would never make it came crying into this world, showing everyone how faithful our God truly is! What seemed impossible for man was made possible with God. All Glory be to God for He is always faithful.”
- Bianca and Richie Perez, Members of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
“For a while I had been having issues with my calves and feet. They would go numb while I was sitting down and felt tingly after I had been walking . The pain was so severe that it would keep me up at night. After putting up with it for a few weeks, I finally decided to make an appointment with my doctor. Exactly one week before my appointment, my Pastor, Dr. Mitch Keys starting flowing in the gifts of the Spirit during a service. He gave a word of knowledge stating that there was someone in the room that had been having pain in their calves and that there was healing available for them. Dr. Keys prayed and laid hands on me and the pain instantly left my calves and feet and it will not return. Amen! Thank you Dr. Mitch Keys.”
-Esther Orellana, member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship.
“For a week and a half, I had pain and discomfort in my left ear. It was so plugged that I couldn’t hear well from that ear. I tried everything from drops to ear wax removers. I even tried the warm water drain method, but nothing helped. On Thursday evening, my wife was watching the Miracle Crusade in Texas with Pastor Nancy Dufresne and she told me that Pastor Hattabaugh was ministering to those with ear problems. I started to watch and I received the healing Word through live stream. My wife and kids got in agreement with me that my ear would be healed. Today, after I showered I just said, ‘I’m tired of this. My ear is healed.' Whatever was in there just came out! It was gross, but it felt so good. My ear is back to normal! It’s no longer clogged, I have no pain, and I can hear!”
- Jarek Briones, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
“My first pregnancy was a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and I had to have a life saving surgery. It took me a long time to let go of it, but I remember when I did. At the alter, I felt the peace of God and the spirit of grief lift off of me. Shortly after that, I remember when my faith to get pregnant again clicked, and by the next month, I was pregnant with my son. When my son was about a year and half, I had a second miscarriage. This time I knew what to do and I didn’t allow the spirit of grief to come on me like the first time. We had a Ladies’ Conference at our church and one of the guest ministers was praying for women who were believing to get pregnant. I went up to have hands laid on me, and shortly after I was pregnant with my daughter. About two years later, our pastors were at the Holy Ghost meetings at World Harvest in Murrieta with Dr. Nancy Dufresne. Toward the end of the service, Dr. Nancy began calling up certain ministers to minister healing to the people. When Pastor Mitch was called up to minister, he gave a word to women wanting to get pregnant and he gave a word specifically to those who have had multiple miscarriages. He said, “God said, No more!” When I found out I was pregnant, he told me that when he was given that word, he saw two specific women’s faces, and mine was one of them. So, I immediately got on YouTube, found that service, watched it, and received that word from God! This is our first pregnancy that is not following a miscarriage! Praise God!”
- Suzie Keys, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
“Two months ago, in my ortho appointment, I was told that the treatment to my jaw was not responding, and if it did not align soon, I would need jaw surgery. I decided that day to put my faith in action, by praying Isaiah 53:5 ‘by His stripes I am healed’, and following the dentists instructions. I confessed daily that my perfect teeth were given to me by God. By the time of my next appointment, I was told my jaw was perfectly fine and no surgery was needed. This is why it is so important to be connected to the church and the pastors that God has for you. Glory to God!”
- Jacob Carlin, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
"Mom I didn't have a dad before, but when we started going to church I found my dad"
-The words of 3-year-old Faith.
Six years ago I was led to my home church Firebaugh Faith Fellowship where I was saved and received God as my Lord and savior. There I also found spiritual parents Pastor Mitch & Jan Keys, friends, sisters, and brothers ( a whole family), and I found my best friend and forever partner. It was easy loving him, but it was much easier for a little 3-year-old who instantly opened up a special place for him in her heart. When she asked me "mommy can I call Jawek daddy?" my heart skipped a beat and that's when I knew he's THE ONE. Jarek and Faith's relationship is one that I longed for as a little girl, they are two peas in a pod, she's daddy's girl. A father isn't whose "DNA" runs through your veins, it is him who loves you, is there for every moment in life, and does whatever it takes to see you happy. After MONTHS of fighting the good fight of faith and trusting God, we have made it official in the eyes of the law: you may now call Faith.....Kaydance Faith Briones!
If this testimony doesn’t make you run to Jesus and find a local word and spirit church read the following: Mid-way through this process Jarek and I were discouraged and stressed out because things weren’t going how we expected. One evening our church brought in guest minister Ike Akabogu and then mid sermon he called out for our situation and told us angels would work on our behalf and redirect our situation. I mean who interrupts their message to speak to us specifically?! That was God speaking! Jarek and I didn’t say anything, we didn’t tell Pastor Ike a thing! After that evening things started happening in our favor, we stopped worrying about it and we got our victory! I’m telling y’all it matters to be connected and present in church!
- Yerenia Briones, Member of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship.