A Year of Favor and Increase

New Church Location
Pastors Mitch and Jan invite you to attend church service at Fresno Faith Fellowship every Sunday at 5:30 P.M. & Every Thursday at 7 P.M.

Walking in Faith and Victory Broadcast
New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday at 3 P.M. and 6 P.M.

March Book of the Month
a sound, disciplined mind
Pastor Nancy Dufresne

New books by Dr. Mitch Keys

Hosted by Dr. Jan Keys with special guest Ministers:
Pastor Melina De La Cruz
Pastor Lorena Matthews
Rev. Chelsea Smith

Firstfruit Sunday
April 20, 2025
What a privilege it is to welcome you to Firebaugh Faith Fellowship International. And what a joy it is to be able to tell you what we, as a church, would like to do and be in your life. You see, Firebaugh Faith Fellowship is more than just a place of worship, it is a growing, loving family. You will often hear us say, "We are a Family church and a church that is a Family". There are so many great opportunities here to make friends, receive ministry, and affect people’s lives with God’s love. There is something here for everyone, and we invite you to take a look and see! Something remarkable happens when you are in the heart of your pastor. Romans 1:11, "For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you....", this is why everybody needs a church home and the loving care that only a shepherd can offer. If you are looking for such a place of encouragement and strength, we want to be that church for you.

Visit us !
355 N Street Firebaugh, Ca 93622
Service Times
Sunday Morning Corporate Prayer - 9:00 AM
Sunday Morning - 10:15 AM
Sunday Night Corporate Prayer - 5:15 PM
Sunday Night - 6:00 PM
Tuesday Night - 7:00 PM
(559) 659-2571
A Word from the Lord | Dr. Mitch Keys | August 21, 2022
A Year of Favor and Increase
Available for download on Apple ITunes.
Members of Firebaugh Faith Fellowship may choose to give their tithes and offerings by clicking the button below. If you are not a member of FFFI but have been blessed by this ministry, you may also give an offering to the church here.
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